Zipper Open

19 June - 24 July 2021

Em cartaz a partir deste sábado, 19 de junho, a primeira exposição da Zipper Open reúne trabalhos dos artistas Amelia Toledo, Anna Maria Maiolino, Hélio Oiticica, Jorge Guinle, José Resende, Leda Catunda, Leonilson, Luiz Zerbini, Mira Schendel, Nelson Leirner, Tunga e Waltercio Caldas.

Zipper Open is an amplification of Zipper Gallery.
Focused on the secondary art market, Zipper Open presents in this inaugural exhibition some of the great names of Brazilian contemporary art who were part of my trajectory as a gallery owner, collector, and dealer.
Eleven years after the opening of Zipper Gallery, in September 2010, I felt the need to “widely open my explicit love of the secondary art market”, as my friend Celso Fioravante wrote in his Mapa das Artes.
For those unfamiliar with the term, the secondary art market is nothing more than the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth sale of a work of art.
Freedom is north, thus expanding the possibilities of collecting within ZIPPER.
Zipper Gallery and Zipper Open will act in parallel and together.
Fábio Cimino

June, 2021.